The End of the World with Michael and Stu
The Apocalypse is Everywhere. The End of the World with Michael and Stu is a (hopefully) insightful and (hopefully) humorous exploration of the rise of apocalyptic news, apocalyptic thinking and apocalyptic culture. Each week, we’ll be looking at a work of art, a piece of media, or an historical event related to the (hopefully not) impending End of the World.
The End of the World with Michael and Stu
Episode 36: Hail Atlantis! Part One
At long last we are covering one of the greatest apocalyptic narratives of them all! That's right, it's the Atlantis episode! And for a subject so massive, so important, we had to make it a two parter. In this first episode we will cover Plato's vision of Atlantis as presented in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias. We also give a bit of background on the concept of "eschatology," the study of the end of the world, while situating Plato's narrative in its historical and religious context. Was Atlantis based on a real historical incident? Did Solon learn of Atlantis from long-suppressed Egyptian records passed down to his descendant Plato? Was Atlantis real, or merely another one of Plato's carefully crafted lies?
This episode contains spoilers for Plato's Timaeus and Critias.
Be sure to check in next week for the MODERN vision of Atlantis and all of the horrors THAT entails!